
3-4 years (Full-time)
5-6 years (Part-time)

Starting Date


Tuition Fee

€14,000 per year (Full-time)
€4,330 per year (Part-time EU)


Maynooth, Ireland

The programme

Students of the Education programme from Maynooth University work with their supervisors to develop a substantive piece of research that makes an original contribution to knowledge in the field and tradition of educational research.

Career Options

Postgraduate students in education come from a range of backgrounds and have a wide range of interests. Some students wish to develop their professional practice and take on leadership roles, others wish to take on other professional responsibilities or engage in policy formation in the national or international context. Holding a PhD qualifies one to teach at the university level and to carry out advanced research.

Courses Included

  • Sharing The World: Education, Pluralism, And Conflict
  • Conference Organisation
  • Work-based Placement
  • Research Placement
  • Engaging With The Community: Research, Practice And Reflection.
  • Outreach & Communication

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